Heart Centered Breathing

Hello dear friend,

 I’m so excited to share some information on the magnificence of the heart and to provide you with a tool that will bring immediate peace and comfort to you. Right now is a very hard time for many people and as a whole we can feel the weight of the energy. It’s a lot to carry.

 I use this breathing technique daily to ease my own stress and anxiety and to return to a more coherent state. I show up as my best self when I’m in a that place of heart-centeredness and that’s important to me. Not just in terms of production but more so in terms of the feelings I have and the person I am being. When I’m connected to my heart I am in alignment with love and all of its related emotions, being those to everyone I interact with (including myself).

 Before I share the technique I want to share some information about the heart. Learning about the power of the heart and how our brain responds to our heart-centeredness can help with our own motivation to show up to the practice. This isn’t all woowoo belief stuff – it’s backed by science.

 A quick definition: heart coherence is the alignment of the heart, mind, and emotions in such a way that it allows for more spirit to infuse our system. It is our most optimal state both in terms of how we feel and what we can do or accomplish. It’s directly linked to the flow state. In this state we feel good, have clear thinking, healthy emotional responses, and the resiliency to bounce back.

 Heart Science

·      The heart has its own independent nervous system that sends signals to the brain. What it sends directly impacts our higher thinking skills and emotional processing.

·      It’s an electrical organ. It creates an electromagnetic field around your body that extends up to 3 feet. This field is imprinted by our emotions. We can feel the fields of others and they can feel ours.

·      Coherence increases emotional balance, stability, access to intuition, clarity, emotional responses, coordination, and more.

·      We become smarter and it lifts our vibration.

Heart Intelligence

·      The heart’s intelligence encompasses some of the highest core values we have as humans.

·      It is associated with deeper wisdom, an intuitive knowingness that bypasses normal logical, linear thought patterns.

·      The heart makes its own decisions separate (and often contradictory) from the brain.

Heart Centered breathing is what I do first thing when I wake up in the morning. My mind can quickly begin to race with thoughts of what’s happening in the world and in my life and that doesn’t feel good, nor do I want that to be the energy I begin my day with.

I place one hand on my heart and one on my belly and I breathe intentionally for a few minutes. I usually silently recite a calming mantra in my mind as I do so. Lately I’ve been reminding myself that, “I am safe.” Reassure yourself of whatever it is you need.

Heart Centered Breathing

1.     Focus your attention in the area of the heart. Imagine the energy from your head is now flowing into the heart. It might be helpful to visualize the energy moving from your head down into your heart.

2.     Imagine your heart has its own set of lungs and feel your breath flowing in and out of your heart or chest area, breathing a little slower and deeper than usual.

3. Say to yourself, “I breathe in love. I breathe out anything unlike love.”

3.     Find a rhythm that’s comfortable and continue breathing.

 What I love about this technique is that I don’t need to be seated in meditation to do it. I can do it while I am typing at my computer or as I’m chopping veggies for dinner. You can use it when your partner is carrying on or when your child is having a meltdown. It will feel like a blanket of love washes over you when you pause and connect.

 Whenever I notice myself lost in a place of incoherence I acknowledge, forgive, and breathe.

Commit to a DAILY PRACTICE of this breathing, even if it’s 1 minute a day. I promise even that done over a period of time will calm your nervous system and align you more deeply with your heart. Keep showing up.

Let me know what you think of this after you try it! I’d love to hear your thoughts.. just hit reply and share! We are getting through this moment by moment and I am proud of you.

Sending love to you all! BREATHE DEEPLY. Stay in the now as must as possible.

 Love always,
