Love Is All There Is

Hi Friend!

 I woke up this morning feeling really, really good. Inspired. Excited. Loved. It was so good I let myself stay in bed longer so I could soak it in.. breathe it in more deeply.

 As I engaged in my daily practice I journaled about this feeling of being incredibly loved. I expressed massive gratitude for the shift in energy and for the strong connection I am feeling.

 I want you to wake up feeling this way, too.

 The past few weeks have given me lots of time to reflect and see where fear and doubt are still present in my life. To me, this has been an opportunity to deepen my faith, to get crystal clear on how I believe the world works, and practice alignment with honor and intention.

 I believe reflective self-inquiry is one of our greatest gifts. Especially when we add in some compassion, understanding, and curiosity.

 The core belief I choose to believe in order to feel loved all the time is this: love is all there is.

 Simple, right?

 To accept this belief requires I accept the idea that everything I’ve experienced in life has happened with purpose and for the purpose of my own remembering and becoming love. To create me in such a way I become who I need to be to fulfill what it is I’m here to fulfill. To love in a way that only I can.

 With this belief I release victimhood. I take responsibility for how I feel. I commit to processing feelings rather than identifying with them.

 Recognizing when these patterns, or learned ways of being, appear, choosing to get curious and find a more loving way, and then taking aligned action is how you adopt this belief (or any belief for that matter).

 Eventually, we will have retrained our brain to automatically see events of life as loving opportunities for our own growth and happiness and we can experience far more joy and fulfillment.

 The path to having a belief be who we are takes time and so I found it helpful to reframe the goal from mastery or perfection to a daily joyful dance with life. We choose to see each day as the beginning, ourselves as beginners, and with joy leading the way as we go about our day.

 In a way this belief can create incredible amounts of freedom in our lives.

 It can remove the pressure to know it all, be perfect, or know what to do every step of the way.

 It taps into our courage and innate desire to create, to self-express, because no matter what we create we will be loved. Afterall, love is all there is.

 It can gently push us to live with more excitement and passion because if we go too far we will be loved back to our own personal groove. Because that’s what love does. It guides and supports.

 More exciting, we come to learn how strong and capable we are because we take bigger risks.

We expand. We feel unstoppable and like anything we desire we can make happen. Love is empowering, it strives for excellence, it’s a star.

 Put simply, life becomes fun again.

 When we choose to believe that love is all there is we align with our True Self. The part of us that is formless, limitless, and timeless.

 That is where our true self-esteem lies.

With your journal reflect on these prompts:

 1.     What could change for me if I decided to see life as being guided by a force of love?

2.     What is one area of my life that could benefit from a more opportunistic view instead of focusing on what’s wrong or unfair? What are some opportunities this area of my life is providing me with? 

3.     If I truly felt free to create, to express myself unapologetically, what would I do? How would I show up in the world?

4.     What might it feel like to trust love more?